Travel chic

You're not alone... traveling in style is the trickiest of all. Do I wear bulky items or valuables or comfortable or warm or ...? So many things to take into account and the options you end up with are also many.

My personal preference: keep it simple, keep it chic. While I might post more options in the future, this is one of my favorite go to looks and it works for both short and long haul. It is the perfect mix: comfortable, warm and chic at the same time. I’m using black but what about a stunning all white version? Head to toe fleece, sneakers (sure, use your bulkiest shoes, almost anything will go here :)), and lots, LOTS of pearls. After all, no matter where you go, Chanel was right: "A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls".

Photo credits @Eight3Frames


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